Buena Vista Park Capital Planning Meeting – February 10, 2015

Buena Vista Park Capital Planning Meeting – February 10, 2015

BVNA and other neighbors are working with the Departments of Recreation and Park and Public Works to create a capital plan to sustain and improve Buena Vista Park.  Three (3) community meetings will be held with the first one on Tuesday, February 10th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Randall Museum, 199 Museum Way, in the Buckley Room (lower level). 

All community members are encouraged to participate at the first meeting to build consensus around goals for the capital improvements and review a recent site assessment and potential improvements. The overriding objectives are to come away with a capital plan for the park as a whole (erosion control, forest, paths, irrigation, etc.) and also identify nearer term projects (i.e., $500k or less).  We’re fortunate to have Lizzy Hirsch as the DPW Landscape Architect leading the planning effort and Dawn Kamalanathan as the Director of Planning and Capital Management representing SF Rec & Park. 

Also, at the end of the February 10th capital planning meeting we will discuss the raising of park improvement funds by applying to the upcoming SF Community Opportunity Fund (COF).  This program is part of the 2012 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond with the application to be submitted by early April.  Two additional community meetings will be held to involve all throughout the COF application process.